


循环经济是可持续发展的关键要素,为传统的线性 “接受-制造-处置” 模式提供了可行的替代方案。它强调通过回收、再利用、维修、翻新和再制造材料和产品等做法持续使用资源。

循环经济为中国带来了机遇 循环设计服务、回收和升级回收技术、PaaS、逆向物流、材料创新、循环供应链咨询、再制造和翻新以及资源共享平台的数字平台。



有显著增长 施工 材料创新, 智能建筑 能源管理系统、可再生能源解决方案、咨询和认证、绿色融资和投资



可再生能源行业提供了大量机会,包括 安装个人和社区规模的可再生能源系统开发先进的储能 提供能源管理技术。潜力巨大 设计和实施微电网,以及报价 为离网环境量身定制的咨询和培训服务

Water Management and Leakage Detection System

Our Water Management and Leakage Detection System efficiently monitors water usage, identifies leaks early, reduces waste, and ensures sustainable resource management, safeguarding both infrastructure and the environment.

Thermal Comfort and Energy Saving System

Our system optimizes indoor climate, enhancing comfort while reducing energy consumption, lowering costs, and promoting sustainability in residential and commercial buildings.

Regenerative Energy Elevator System

A Regenerative Energy Elevator System captures and reuses energy during operation, reducing electricity consumption, lowering operational costs, and contributing to sustainable building practices.

Reusable Partition System

Our reusable partition offers flexible, modular wall solutions that allow for easy reconfiguration, reducing carbon footprint, construction waste, and manpower costs due to easy installation, while promoting sustainable interior design.

AI Behavioral Surveillance System

Our AI Behavioral Risk Surveillance System utilizes advanced algorithms to monitor and analyze behavior patterns, identifying potential risks early, enhancing security, reducing human error, and optimizing response times in various environments.

Modular IoT and AR Building Management System

A Modular IoT Building Management System connects and controls building functions through IoT devices, enabling real-time monitoring, energy efficiency, and seamless scalability. It enhances operational efficiency and sustainability while allowing for easy customization and integration of new technologies.

Post Consumer Textile Upcycling Solution

Our recycling technology partner converts old clothes into fabric particles, which are then transformed into fibre-reinforced polymer composite (FPC) particles. This process replaces traditional wood fibre with textile fibre mixed with polyethylene (PE),